KartingAsia.com was started in 2007 by Mikko Nassi. I had maintained a site called Karting Malaysia since 2001 which combined two of my hobbies – websites and karting. With a site redesign came a name change as well. Forums were added and the focus of the site changed slightly.
KartingAsia.com content is still largely focused on the Malaysian and karting scene but we include news from elsewhere in the region whenever possible.
Under the Hood: The main section of KartingAsia.com is powered by the powerful and open source WordPress software. The Forum section likewise uses open source software in the form of phpBB3. The Track Database is a fully customized database using MySQL and PHP.
To have content from races we don’t attent on the website we need to have the content sent to us. Getting results and reports from Macau, Indonesia, China, the Philippines, Thailand, India and other countries is near impossible without the help of people in those countries. If you are involved with karting in any way whatsoever in an Asian country we’d love to have you help KartingAsia.com provide the content to karters across world! There are many ways in which you can contribute.
[notice]We accept all karting related press releases, race reports, news, and rumours – just email us at [email protected]. Teams, drivers, race organisers, photographers – send your material to get published.[/notice]
[important]We’d love to have regular contributors from Asian countries. As a regular contributor you get login details which can allow you to post articles directly to KartingAsia.com. The only requirement is that you cover karting events with race reports and/or photos. Email [email protected] if you can help. It’s a great way to promote you photography services or blog as your author bio will be included in all your articles.[/important]
Advertise on KartingAsia.com
KartingAsia.com is visited by over 10,000 karters every month. Reach your target market by advertising on the site. For further details on advertising opportunities and charges please contact us by email at [email protected].